CMTC Webinar: New Training Funds & Resources for Food and Beverage Manufacturers
November 4, 2020 @ 10:30 am - 11:30 am
During this webinar, we’ll discuss available resources to support your workforce and your company during these challenging times.
Employment Training Panel: Every year the state of California provides businesses with millions of dollars to support employee training. In response to COVID, ETP has rolled out special funding targeting manufacturers in the food, beverage, and pharmaceutical sectors. Learn how you can take advantage of the ETP funds to support your workforce.
Fresno Regional Workforce Development Board: We partner with employers to create work-based learning opportunities for employees. The WDB offers hands-on assistance and incentives to employers in their workforce recruitment, training, and retention efforts.
California Manufacturing Technology Consulting (CMTC): CMTC can assist with special programs through the CARES Act, the Governor’s Small Business Technical Assistance Expansion Program (SBTAEP), and a wide range of resources and services.
Register now to benefit from in-depth guidance for California Manufacturers.
Rocío León, Manager, Training and Strategic Partnerships, California Manufacturing Technology Consulting (CMTC) Craig Scharton, Client Advisor (Fresno/Central Valley), California Manufacturing Technology Consulting (CMTC) Robert Meyer, Director of Economic Development, Employment Training Panel (ETP) Erik Cherkaski, Business Services Manager, Fresno Regional Workforce Development Board Shawna Glazener, Business Services Coordinator, Fresno Regional Workforce Development Board