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2023 CSUMB International Responsible Business Social Impact Symposium

November 2, 2023 @ 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Together, we celebrate, collaborate and cultivate a culture of research and academic excellence for impact on society.

2023 CSUMB International Responsible Business Social Impact Symposium

The objective of this inaugural research and impact symposium is to celebrate, collaborate and cultivate a culture of research and academic excellence (e.g., through research, teaching, policy, and novel forms of dissemination) for the purpose of creating an impact on society, both locally and globally. The theme for this year’s symposium is “Wellbeing + Technology.

As a signatory member of the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), a United Nations Global Compact supported initiative, Startup Monterey Bay Connect and the College of Business at CSUMB supports PRME with their vision of realizing SDGs through responsible management education.

PART I OF THE SYMPOSIUM (IN PERSON)- Research and Impact: College of Business and Friends

Time:Nov 2, 2023 4-6pm

Location: BIT room 104 & Atrium

Moderator: Dr. Jenny Lin


Faculty speakers from CSUMB and student research poster presentations. Established faculty members from COB and others are invited to present their work related to social impact, speaking to the broader implications of ESG and social impact. Light refreshments will be provided.


2:00-4:00 Set up posters in the atrium

4:00-4:50 Open Door Poster Presentations and Reception (Pizza provided!)

4:50-5:00 Welcome and opening remarks from Dean Marylou Shockley and Dr. Brian Corpening (Associate Vice President for Inclusive Excellence and Chief)

5:00-5:30 Three research presentations examining human wellbeing across different roles and life stages in the mind & body


Examining Human Wellbeing across Different Roles and Life Stages in the Body & Mind

  • Dr. Mohamed Abouzahra (Associate Professor of Information Systems)- Technology & physical health well-being
  • Tim Orme (Associate Professor of Animation and Special Effects)/ Dr. Jenny Kuan (Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship)- Responsible Investing and financial well-being
  • Dr. Liz Adair (Assistant Professor of Management)- Employee and family well-being

5:30-5:45 Panel discussion with speakers on social impact

5:45-5:50 Short Q&A and ending

PART II OF THE SYMPOSIUM (VIRTUAL)- International Dialogue with Academics and Practitioners

Time:Nov 2, 2023 6-8pm

Location: zoom streaming available at BIT room 104

Moderator: Dr. Jenny Lin and Dr. Eric Tao


A 2 hour event, starting with opening remarks from CSUMB and NCCU, followed by presentations from speakers, followed by a panel discussion and Q&A with the speakers representing academia and practice internationally.


The Current and Future State for Environment, Social & Governance (ESG) and Responsible AI: A Trans-Pacific Dialogue between Experts in the International Supply Chain and Technology Industries

College of Business, CSUMB, partnering with National Chengchi University (NCCU), Taiwan and Sinyi Research Center in Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility, NCCU, Taiwan

  • Dr. Sonia Ming-Shiow Lo– Professor of Business Administration at National Chengchi University, Taiwan
  • Mr. David Huang– Business Development Manager in GIGABYTE, Taiwan
  • Dr. Yang Liu– Team Lead for the Responsible AI team at ByteDance and Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at University of California Santa Cruz, USA
  • Dr. Jennifer Kuan– Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Economics at California State University Monterey Bay, USA


Business and Information Technology Building
3052 Divarty Street, Room 104
Marina, CA 93933 United States


Cal State Monterey Bay College of Business
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