ACTION receives funds on behalf of the project, manages the money, accounts for all funds separately and makes payments as requested by the authorized parties in the group. With prior approval, projects may hold fundraising events and solicit individual or foundation donations. Each group is responsible for acknowledging donations and completing any required project reporting to granting agencies. ACTION will provide financial documentation annually. The group may use their funds for most purposes that adhere to the definition of public benefit corporation and may not engage in any activity that jeopardizes the ACTION’s nonprofit status. The group may contract through ACTION with individuals or agencies for consulting services, but may not hire staff. ACTION charges an 8% to 15% fee for all new funds deposited in the group’s account depending on the specific services provided.

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The Water, Energy and Technology Center is an independent, lean 501 (C)3 organization, located at Fresno State campus in the heart of central San Joaquin Valley. The WET Center provides an entryway for entrepreneurs, innovators, and businesses at all stages to accelerate commercialization, business/product launch, and/or the development of new technologies. We want to create new businesses, help them grow, and with this growth, create jobs for the central San Joaquin Valley.

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In 2011, the BlueTechValley Initiative was established in Fresno – the heart of Central California’s San Joaquin Valley – home to a number of rural and urban communities, boasting a unique ecosystem that sustains a robust culture of water innovation. The San Joaquin Valley is the BlueTechValley. Its water-scarce climate fuels the need for extreme water efficiency, making it the ideal place to test, develop, and commercialize new technology.

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WG’s Center for Innovation and Technology, located in the heart of Salinas, California is an incubator for technology companies and startups that Western Growers believes will important to the future viability of the fresh produce industry.

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  Startup Monterey Bay is a program of the Institute for Innovation and Economic Development at CSUMB’s College of Business  

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Hosted and organized by the Rice Alliance for Technology and Entrepreneurship, which is Rice University's internationally-recognized initiative devoted to the support of entrepreneurship, and Rice Business, the Rice Business Plan Competition offers an educational program mirroring real-world experience through this multi-day event for student startups from across the world.

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