Santa Cruz SBDC: Strategies for Fire Season and Smoke Taint

Join the Restaurant Program and learn how to prepare for fire season in the vineyard and winery. Strategies for winemaking and dealing with smoke tainted wines. The class will cover: Vineyard management practices, contract language Preparing the winery for fire emergencies Winemaking strategies for smoke tainted wines Insurance

Santa Cruz SBDC: How to Use LinkedIn Effectively

How To Use LinkedIn Effectively - Top 10 Tips for a Winning Profile LinkedIn is the top online site for professional, social and career networking. Look for jobs or use it for networking. It's an essential part of being a professional. The world's foremost online directory of individual professionals and organizations, LinkedIn facilitates the process […]


Santa Cruz SBDC: Planning Your Business

Create a business plan that meets your needs. Businesses with a plan are 6 times MORE successful than a business without a plan. But there are multiple types of plan so how do you know which type best meets your needs and how do you go about creating one? In this interactive Webinar, we will […]


Santa Cruz SBDC Webinar: Starting a Business in the County of Santa Cruz

Event Details Now is your chance to start the business you’ve always wanted to and this webinar will detail the steps to get you off on the right foot. We’ve condensed our 10 Page Checklist of must-knows down to a one hour webinar. Run through the logistics of starting a new business in the County […]

Santa Cruz SBDC Webinar: Business Model Canvas

Event Details If you have an idea for a business but are not sure where to get started or you’ve already started making money and don’t feel you know the big picture, you can learn to put a quick business plan together on One.Sheet.of.Paper! In this class, we will give you a framework called the […]

SBDC Santa Cruz Webinar: How to Determine Exempt vs. Non-Exempt Employees

Event Details As an employer, it is your responsibility to classify your workers correctly for legal and tax reasons. This class is designed to help businesses make determinations on whether or not employees are exempt or non-exempt employees. Benjamin Slade will provide insights and the framework on how to determine their Fair Labor Standards Act […]

SBDC Santa Cruz Webinar: Facebook Advanced – Social Media Marketing Tools

Event Details Facebook Advanced Social Media Marketing Tools — What You Need to Know for Your Business So you’re clear on different Facebook assets, pages, profiles and groups — and you are ready to go to the next level with an introduction to Facebook Creator, Facebook Business Manager and Facebook Ads Manager. This class will […]