Lavender Creek, the 2022 Startup Challenge winner, is thriving with its innovative lavender farm and wellness brand. Recently featured by American AGCredit and Edible Monterey Bay, the company’s Lavender Refreshment Towels have gained popularity among educators and healthcare professionals, including the Monterey County Office of Education and local hospitals. As they expand, Lavender Creek is set to lead in healthcare aromatherapy with new products and partnerships on the horizon.
Lavender Creek is finalizing a brochure targeting Monterey’s hospitality business, featuring the See Monterey logo and a visual of Fisherman’s Wharf. Additionally, they have partnered with the Monterey Quilters Guild to supply dried lavender for eye pillows donated to cancer patients at local hospitals. The company is also testing their own eye pillow designs for potential sales.
Lavender Creek’s growth includes a recent American AGCredit video spotlight and an upcoming Edible Monterey Bay Fall issue feature on their lavender harvest and healthcare initiatives. The Monterey County Office of Education has ordered Lavender Refreshment Towels, and Lavender Creek will meet with leaders from all 24 county school districts to discuss further orders.
Looking ahead, Lavender Creek is developing a “Code Lavender” catalog of aromatherapy items, including calming lavender Roll-Ons, in response to hospital requests. They received a sample request from a 3-hospital system in New York for their new Code Lavender program.
As Lavender Creek continues to expand, it is poised to become a leader in healthcare aromatherapy, comfort care, and emotional support, solidifying its place in the wellness industry.