On Tuesday, January 9th, Monterey Bay DART and the Institute for Innovation & Economic Development (iiED) held their monthly Startup Connect meeting via Zoom. Six regional industry leaders shared their outlook for the coming year in Economic Development, Agriculture Technology, Tourism, Healthcare, Electric Air Mobility, and Hydrogen Power. Each presentation covered a detailed look into what they expect in their industry and highlighted new trends to help us gain a deeper understanding of the economic impacts around the region. In keeping with iiED’s mission to connect and inform as many people as possible, these presentations were recorded and are being made available to the public.
Each presentation can be found HERE
Quinn Brady of Uplift Central Coast discussed the future of economic resilience for the Central Coast. Quinn is the Project Director for Uplift Central Coast, which is a six-county partnership working to attract investment and expand opportunities for Central Coast residents. Find slides for the presentation HERE.
Walt Dulfock of Western Growers discussed the future of Agraculture & Agraculture Technology. Walt is the Vice President of Innovation for Western Growers, their mission is to provide the industry’s most comprehensive offerings for agricultural employers, including health benefits, financial services, training, networking, and governmental advocacy. Find slides for the presentation HERE.
Teresa Savage of the Monterey County Convention & Visitors Bureau talked about the future of Hospitality. Tareas is the Vice President of Business Development for See Monterey whos mission is to To generate community prosperity for Monterey County through the responsible promotion and growth of the tourism economy. Find slides for the presentation HERE.
Meg Dingae from Montage Health gave an update on Digital Health. Meg is the Director, Digital Health for Montage Health, the Digital Health Vision is to Improve lives with the most seamless, exceptional, consistent, and accessible digital health program possible